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Debugging Like a Pro: Techniques for Junior Developers

How contemplation, introspection, and movement help you get past the basics


Debugging is a critical skill for any developer, but it can be especially challenging for junior developers. In this post, we'll explore some techniques for debugging that go beyond simply reading error messages and fixing code. By training your mind for deeper wisdom through contemplation, introspection, and movement of the body, you can become a more effective and efficient debugger.


Examining How the Current Piece of Code Fits into the System as a Whole

When debugging, it's important to understand how the current piece of code fits into the system as a whole. This includes looking at where the data flows into a given request, as well as the underlying infrastructure and configuration that runs that code.

For example, let's say you're working on a web application that uses a database to store user data. If you're experiencing an error that relates to database connectivity, it's important to understand how the code that connects to the database is implemented, as well as the configuration settings for the database itself.

One way to do this is to create a diagram that shows the flow of data through the application, from the user's request to the response. This can help you identify where the problem is occurring and how it relates to the rest of the system.


Looking into Fundamentals of Underlying Language and Language Constructs

In addition to understanding how the current piece of code fits into the system as a whole, it's also important to understand the fundamentals of the underlying language and language constructs. This includes things like the request lifecycle, initialization vs execution time, exception handling patterns, and more.

For example, let's say you're working on a Python application that uses the Flask framework. To effectively debug issues related to the request lifecycle, it's important to understand how Flask handles requests and routes them to the appropriate handlers. Similarly, to debug issues related to performance, it's important to understand the difference between initialization and execution time in Python.

To improve your understanding of the underlying language and language constructs, you can review the documentation and official guides of the language and frameworks you're using. You can also practice writing small programs that use different language constructs and features to familiarize yourself with them.

Movement of Body

Stepping Back and Getting a Sense of Your Body in Physical Space

When debugging, it's also important to step back from the problem and get a sense of your body in physical space. This can include paying attention to any aches, pains, or discomfort you may be experiencing, and taking a break to stand up, stretch, and get some water.

Taking a break to move the body can help to reset the brain, allowing the mind to approach the problem with a fresh perspective. This can be especially helpful when you're stuck on a particularly difficult problem.

For example, if you've been sitting at your desk for hours trying to debug an issue, you may find that taking a walk outside or practicing a form of physical exercises, such as yoga, can help clear your mind and give you a new perspective on the problem.

Tips for Integrating Physical Movement and Self-Care into the Debugging Process:

  • Set reminders to take regular breaks throughout the day.
  • Incorporate physical movement into the debugging process, such as taking a walk around the block before starting to debug.
  • Practice a form of physical exercises, such as yoga, to help clear your mind.
  • Do a quick meditation, mindfulness, or breathing exercise to help you relax

Debugging can be a challenging task for junior developers, but by training your mind for deeper wisdom through contemplation, introspection, and movement of the body, you can become a more effective and efficient debugger.

By examining how the current piece of code fits into the system as a whole, understanding the fundamentals of the underlying language and language constructs, and stepping back to get a sense of your body in physical space, you can approach debugging with a holistic perspective.

Remember to take regular breaks and incorporate physical movement and self-care into the debugging process. With these techniques, you can become a pro at debugging and take your skills to the next level.

And don't forget to keep studying, practicing, and experimenting with the different languages, frameworks, and tools that you are using. That will help you to become familiar with them and to develop a deeper understanding of how they work.


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