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Illustrating git Branching with Markdown & Mermaid.js

Illustrating git branching workflows in markdown with Mermaid.js


Occasionally I find myself needing to write about git commands or workflows, either as I am educating new developers or as I am documenting a team's git strategies.

While graphical git tooling such as GitKraken can help with this if you have a practical example, sometimes its nice to have a nice and clean diagram of example commits.

In this article we'll explore how Mermaid.js can help you generate clean and minimalist git graphs using only markdown.

For those not familiar, Mermaid.js is an open-source JavaScript library that converts specialized markdown into diagrams on your page. It is fantastic and can do many diagrams including entity relationship diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and more.

Mermaid.js integrates into GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Polyglot Notebooks, and others. Let's see how it handles git commits.

Displaying Basic Commits

At the most basic level, a git graph starts with a gitGraph element and then a series of commit statements.


This creates a git timeline from left to right where the leftmost commit is the first one and the rightmost is the last one.

Notice that the names of each commit are randomly assigned and start with the 1-based index of the commit in the timeline followed by a dash and then the beginnings of a globally unique identifier.

If you want to customize the display of an individual commit, you can provide an id: node followed by the text to use in quotes.

Additionally, you can customize the theme of the graph via the %%{init statement by providing a value of base, forest, dark, default, or neutral. I happen to like base so the remainder of the graphs will feature that theme.

%%{init: { 'theme': 'base' } }%%
    commit id: "Fixed Issue #42"

git Branching in Mermaid.js

Of course, a git graph without any sort of branching or merging is both boring and not generally helpful. Let's take a look at a simple graph involving two branches:

%%{init: { 'theme': 'base' } }%%
    branch feature

Here all commits start on the main branch and then diverge onto the feature branch after the branch feature statement.

If you want to switch back to another branch without creating a new branch, you can do so with checkout branchname.

Finally, if you want to illustrate merging a branch into another, first checkout the target branch and then use merge branchname to indicate that the second branch was merged into your current branch.

%%{init: { 'theme': 'base' } }%%
    branch feature
    commit id: "Dark Theme"
    checkout main
    merge feature

Using branch, checkout, and merge strategically, you can quickly create complex git situations to help illustrate real-world usage scenarios.

%%{init: { 'theme': 'base' } }%%
    branch feature
    checkout main
    branch bugfix
    checkout feature
    commit id: "Dark Theme"
    checkout main
    merge feature
    checkout bugfix
    commit id: "Fixed Null Ref"
    checkout main
    merge bugfix

Annotating git Commits in Mermaid.js

While commit, branch, checkout, and merge are all you need for basic diagrams, sometimes you can benefit from highlighting certain commits with tag names or symbols.

First, any commit can be annotated with a tag by specifying tag: and then the name of the tag in quotes. This can be combined with id: if desired.

%%{init: { 'theme': 'base' } }%%
    commit tag: "v0.4.0"
    branch feature
    checkout main
    branch bugfix
    checkout feature
    commit id: "Dark Theme"
    checkout main
    merge feature
    commit tag: "v0.4.1"
    checkout bugfix
    commit id: "Fixed Null Ref"
    checkout main
    merge bugfix tag: "v0.4.2"

Secondly, each commit has a type: associated with it. By default this is the NORMAL type, but you can also specify type: REVERSE to indicate a commit with an X through it or type: HIGHLIGHT to use a square instead of a circle. Note that the type: attributes do not use quotes while the id: and tag: attributes do.

%%{init: { 'theme': 'base' } }%%
    commit tag: "v0.4.0"
    branch feature
    checkout main
    branch bugfix
    commit id: "Whoopsies" type: REVERSE
    checkout feature
    commit id: "Dark Theme"
    checkout main
    merge feature
    commit tag: "v0.4.1"
    commit type: HIGHLIGHT
    checkout bugfix
    commit id: "Fixed Null Ref"
    checkout main
    merge bugfix tag: "v0.4.2"

Closing Thoughts

I'm personally a huge fan of using Mermaid.js to generate git graphs. The syntax resembles the appropriate git commands for working with branching and the resulting graphs are attractive, simple, and help convey git concepts to new team members.

I personally plan on using Mermaid.js graphs going forward for any git related articles or documentation.

Stay tuned for more articles on Mermaid.js and the awesome things you can build with it!


  • Matt Eland
    Microsoft MVP in AI, Author of "Refactoring with C#"

    Matt Eland is a software engineering leader and data scientist who has served as a senior engineer, software engineering manager, professional programming instructor, and has helped build enterprise-level software at a variety of organizations before distinguishing himself as a Microsoft MVP in Artificial Intelligence by using technology to accomplish ridiculous things in the name of science and teaching others. Matt makes it his job to learn new things and share them with others through articles, videos, and talks at user groups and conferences covering a wide range of topics from software architecture to programming topics to artificial intelligence and data science. Matt is a current data analytics master's student, an AI Specialist at Leading EDJE, is the author of "Refactoring with C#" and is creating a LinkedIn course and book on Computer Vision on Azure. Matt occasionally sleeps as well.

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